A parent contacted me with this question:
How do you help a baby/toddler overcome the fear of water? My son is now terrified when we have to rinse shampoo off his hair.
– Concerned parent baby fear of water

Newborn babies have no fear of water
Your baby recently emerged from a comfy place of residence, submerged in liquid for nine months. If you pour water over your baby’s head during every bathtime from the day you bring them home from the hospital, they will maintain that level of comfort that they already feel around 💦 water. It is at 6 or 7 months that many babies first encounter fear. baby fear of water
To get your child comfortable with water poured over their head…
make sure that you remain calm so that your baby stays calm. If they cry, stop and distract them with toys and songs. Once your baby is happy again, try to pour the water over their head one more time or wait for the next bathtime.

Before you pour the water, warn your baby by saying, “baby’s name, ready, go.” Start with only about 2 seconds worth of water. If your baby ingests water, which is unlikely since the water pours down from the top of the head, remain calm. It doesn’t harm your baby.
You’re Teaching your baby to hold their breath
Also, when you pour the water, your child automatically holds their breath. And if you precede with the phrase, “baby’s name, ready, go,” you are conditioning them to hold their breath on command. Repeat this process five to ten times during every bath. If your baby cries, stop immediately. Never condition a crying baby. You can learn more about this with a FREE course, entitled How to Prepare Your 👶 Baby for Swim Lessons 0 to 8 Months. baby fear of water

Your baby looks at you and reads your facial expressions to learn how to act in various situations. This behavior is known as social referencing, which starts between 8 and 10-months of age. So, if you stay calm, they will remain calm.
And one more tidbit before I go. Pour the water over your head too and show your child how much fun it is. Be silly about it. You’ll have your baby laughing and enjoying the water in no time. baby fear of water

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