A parent wrote to me with this question…
How do you help children feel comfortable to let go of you if all they want is to be in your arms? How Do I Make My Child More Comfortable in Water?
– Concerned parent

Whatever you do, don’t force your child to do anything they don’t want to do. Your child is more comfortable in shallow water, where they feel in control. This need to be in control applies to all ages. so How Do I Make My Child More Comfortable in Water?
When you bring your child to the pool, play with them in shallow water where they can sit, stand, and crawl. Use toys to motivate them to crawl to and distract them if needed. Toys are also a great way to encourage independence.
Why Do We Want to Encourage Independence in Our Child?
Because once your child is independently mobile in the water, the better chance they have of surviving if they were to fall into a pool accidentally. Learning Independence doesn’t mean letting your child be in the water on their own to fend for themselves. You will be there with them strictly supervising and staying within arm’s reach at all times. so

Independent Play Also Teaches Your Child to Respect the Water
Expose your child to an aquatic environment as often as you can with lots of time to explore and play in shallow water. This regular exposure teaches them to respect the water and understand the dangers that water holds. And thus, making it less likely that your child would put themselves in danger.
Get Comfy With Water on the Face
Also, use this time to get your child comfy with water on their face. You can demonstrate pouring a cup of water over your head and have fun with it. Then pour it over your child’s head and praise them with lots of cheering and clapping every time you do it. so How Do I Make My Child More Comfortable in Water?
If your child is two years or older, give them the cup and let them be the one to pour the water over their head. Watch the video for more on helping the 2-year-old overcome their fear of water. How Do I Make My Child More Comfortable in Water?
Final Thoughts
If you never expose your baby to the water, they will never know the dangers that lie within. It is highly probable that without this knowledge, your child will put themselves in danger ultimately.
So, bring your child to the pool as often as you can and encourage independent play in shallow water. Before you know it, they’ll be looking forward to those trips to the pool and ready for the next step in learning to swim.

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