Do you hate the time change as much as I do? It takes me a week to recover. “I’m so tired. Tired of playing the game.” (Blazing Saddles reference)
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My video will show you how easy it is to motivate children to practice floating with the most straightforward games and activities which utilize these turtle eggs, a bar float, a kickboard, and this Finding Dory Dive and Catch Game. The kids don’t even realize that they’re learning.

Once a child has mastered breath control AKA can hold her breath underwater for at least 10 seconds without hesitation, then she’s ready to learn to float. To teach your child breath control, click here.
You can have your child try some of these activities in the bathtub too. Alligator is perfect for the bathtub. Watch the video to see what I mean.
I hope you enjoy it.
For more information and tips on floating, click here.
Until next time…
Love the water but fence it in,
P.S. Test your knowledge of water safety. Take the quiz. You don’t have to enter any personal information. Get instant results.
P.P.S. Join my private Facebook group. If you need to help your child overcome their fear of water or if you’re a swim instructor and would like to share some tips and tricks on the subject, please join my private Facebook group here.
P.P.P.S. To start your child on the path to becoming water safe, click here.

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