How much do you love your iRobot Roomba assuming you have one or something like it? For me on a scale of 1-10, it’s a solid 10. Just sayin. I am in no way affiliated with it; I just LOVE IT! water safety
If it ever ended up in my pool, that would be a sad day. I have an indoor pool, so I must make sure to keep the doors closed to the pool room when the Roomba is on the go. At least a Roomba can be replaced, unlike people.

My adult student, Mila told me that someone pushed her into a pool at a party some years ago.
She couldn’t swim then, and she can’t swim now, but somehow she managed to get to safety.
She’s sixty-three years old now and has finally decided to conquer her fear of water. She’s doing great by the way.
Near drowning is very common
Almost 50% of people have had a near drowning experience according to the American Red Cross water safety app.
Mila not only got pushed into a pool, but she also shared with me that she had to jump into a river to save her nephew from drowning. Somehow, she pulled through that one too thank goodness.
Even if you don’t think you want to learn to swim, there are so many reasons to do it.
One of the biggest reasons is that you may end up in water unintentionally like Mila.
If you’re a confident swimmer, then you probably have nothing to worry about unless you somehow got yourself into a dangerous situation that even Michael Phelps couldn’t handle.
Water safety for the whole family
I have another adult student currently enrolled in lessons along with her baby.
She understands just how important it is to be comfortable in on and around water not only for herself but also for her child’s safety.
I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard about parents having to jump into a pool or other body of water to rescue their child from an accidental submersion.
It happened to my son when he was about three years old at his Aunt’s house.
He just started running around the pool and somehow misjudged where the deck ended, and the water began.
BAM! He dropped like a rock to the bottom in the deep end. My husband went right in after him, fully clothed and all.
I haven’t seen my husband move as fast since. I know he’s not going to appreciate the dig, but I hope that he’ll appreciate the humor.
The moral of the story is that not only do your children need to be water safe but so do you.
If you have any thoughts on the subject or experiences that you would like to share, I would love to hear from you.
Love the water,
P.S. Get the FREE water safety app to help ensure your family stays safe in, on and around the water. It includes kid-friendly videos and quizzes. Search the iTunes app store for Swim by American Red Cross or click here. For Google Play you can use the same search parameters or click here. It provides the latest in water safety guidance to help ensure your family stays safe in, on and around the water.
P.P.S. To start your child on the path to becoming water safe, click here.
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