Did you celebrate last night? Hope you had a great time. I just stayed in and watched the festivities on TV with my husband. Our son is in L.A. celebrating with the relatives. Do you have any resolutions? I personally never bother with resolutions. This year is going to be different, however. My resolution is more of a mission. I’m going to make it my mission to bring as much awareness to the statistics of drowning as I possibly can. drowning statistics

Here’s a refresher on drowning statistics in America
One way that we can lower the drowning statistics is to install a climb-resistant mesh fence around all home pools and spas.
Can you imagine if there was a law in place that required all home pools and spas to be equipped with adequate barriers?
I bet that would make a significant decrease in the number of accidental deaths among children ages 1-4.
Florida, Arizona, and New York have enforced such a law. Way to go Florida, Arizona, and New York! You got the right idea.
Do you remember when there were no seatbelt laws? so
Individual states throughout the union started to enforce the use of seatbelts in the ’80’s and ’90’s.
2011 had the lowest traffic fatalities in 62 years.
In addition to other safety features in newer vehicles, the use of seatbelts plays a significant role in decreasing the mortality rate.
Let’s reduce the mortality rate with drowning by making it a law in California to enforce proper barriers around home pools and spas!!
So let’s get onboard California and the rest of America (except Florida, Arizona, and New York).
Of all the states, you would think California would have been the first. Seems like something needs to be done.
I’m going to take action to make California the fourth state to enforce such a law. so
I don’t even know where to start. I’ll figure it out. I have committed now that it’s in writing. so
If you do have a resolution, try writing it down, you might stick with it. so
May you have a year filled with smiles, love, luck, prosperity and especially good health.
If you have any thoughts on the subject or experiences that you would like to share, I would love to hear from you.
Love the water, so
Tessa so
P.S. Get the FREE water safety app to help ensure your family stays safe in, on and around the water. It includes kid-friendly videos and quizzes. Search the iTunes app store for Swim by American Red Cross or click here. For Google Play you can use the same search parameters or click here. It provides the latest in water safety guidance to help ensure your family stays safe in, on and around the water.
P.P.S. To start your child on the path to becoming water safe, click here. so
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