What Is Breath Control?
Remember Abram from about a month ago? In case you missed it, here are Abram’s first two lessons. Well, now he’s one month shy of 4-years-old and has officially mastered breath control.
I was working on helping him get comfortable with putting his face in the water which is the first step in the learn to swim process. This skill is known as breath control. And to be able to do this for 10 seconds is the goal.
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Once he has mastered breath control, the next step is floating on the front (prone float).
Most children can’t float immediately after becoming proficient with breath control. They don’t trust that the water will hold them, so it takes a little bit more time with appropriate activities and games that will help them to feel the water’s buoyancy and ultimately convince them that the water will float them.
Abram is the exception to the rule. He’s floating with ease and even propelling himself through the water with some basic arm and leg actions.
Check out the video. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry! It’s a must-see!
I hope you enjoyed the video. Until next time.
Love the water but fence it in,
P.S. Test your knowledge of water safety. Take the quiz. You don’t have to enter any personal information. Get instant results.
P.P.S. Join my private Facebook group. If you need to help your child overcome their fear of water or if you’re a swim instructor and would like to share some tips and tricks on the subject, please join my private Facebook group here.
P.P.P.S. To start your child on the path to becoming water safe, click here.
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